Maybe there is no sun, but a lack of vitamin D will not prevent our Team from accomplishing their task! 😉 PKP Cargo building / Katowice, Poland
When the hustle and bustle and the crowds besieging the largest water park in Europe disappear – there is time for the last corrections. Suntago Water World – Park of …
We’ve just finished testing the new chemistry that came to us from Germany. This time it is a means designed to remove any “bio-dirt”. So – if you have a …
In the time of quarantine – a window to the world will definitely be useful! Especially a clean and transparent one… Bażantowo Sport sports centre / Katowice, Poland
From today on, covering of the mouth and nose has become mandatory. Our team presents how to do it properly! Daimler engines factory construction / Jawor, Poland
There are places where face masks and coveralls were “popular” long before the pandemic! … and this is not a hospital infectious ward! 😉 Ekocem – Górażdże Cement S.A. milling …
Finally – the last straight! AV-system assembly project is nearing completion and we can probably afford a small “secret” pre-release… ; -) Face2Face Business Campus / Katowice, Poland
Being careful is one of the most important requirements for rope technicians. It is mainly about the safety – our and people close by, but that’s not all! After a …